Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Google Wave: the calm before the storm

It seems to be quiet on the Web about Google Wave after it's announcement at Google I/O 2009. But the developer community is all a-buzz and busy testing the alpha release out, as Google prepares for its official release later this year.

Here are some links to more information about Google Wave from those who have test accounts and are trying it out:

  1. The Google Wave highlight reel: The full 80-minute demo during the conference is a must-see, but if you don't have the time, watch these chosen clips on the highlights.
  2. Google Wave questions and answers: This is a Twitter Q&A session from someone not from Google, trying out Wave for the first time. Nice insights. The biggest fear about using Wave is how people could see all your typos as you enter text.
  3. Google Wave: Our First-hand Impressions: ReadWriteWeb gives Google Wave a spin and describes their first-hand experience with it.
  4. Testing Google Wave: This Thing is Tidal: Mashable's Ben Parr continues to dig into Google Wave and comes out with a very fair and encouraging assessment.
  5. Trying out Google Wave (videos): This is a work-in-progress blog post with videos (which I admit I still have to watch) on developers trying it out. They also briefly talk about how since Google Wave is an all-in-one tool for anything, ambiguity about the purpose of communicating with someone could pose as a problem.
  6. 1 Wave Sandbox, 5 Hours, 17 Awesome Demos: An account post-demo of Google Wave on the Friday after I/O, about 60 developers assembled down at Google HQ for the very first Google Wave API hackathon.
  7. 6 Reasons Why Google Wave Will Change PLM Collaboration: PLM is Product Lifecycle Management (as I discovered in Wikipedia). This is a jargon-filled article that talks about how product development can become faster using Google Wave because of better collaboration.
  8. Google Wave will change the world: I included this article because the author and I have very similar sentiments (and his name also has Lawrence). Though I recognize that the revolution could take years to happen (much like how email started), it will happen.
  9. Request for Google Wave preview access: Here's Google's link for those who want IN at the soonest possible time. Let's sign-up!

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